What Does Rekkles' High Kada Mean In G2?


Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles

The history of Rekkles as an elite player is extensive. Not only has he been in the game since the dawn of competitive League of Legends, but he's been one of the best bot laners around the globe for over a decade. The five-year stint on Fnatic cemented Rekkles as one of the most powerful and most reliable players on the planet. Moreover, Rekkles seemed to be the perfect match for G2 Esports despite some early worries that he would not mesh with the team. Rekkles currently has the highest KDA out of any player within the major regions at an unbelievably high 10.03 ratio. You should be familiar with Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles If you're looking to become a great player.

However, not all is good for G2. G2 has had a bumpy playoffs. G2 lost a set 3-3 to MAD Lions. Playoffs have decreased Rekkles overall KDA as well. At the conclusion of the Spring Split, Rekkles had the highest KDA among all professional player in the world, major region or not.

It begs the question: "Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles"? After such a flawless and impressive split, G2's struggle to get through the playoffs bracket hasn't gone without being noticed. Is it possible that Rekkles have something G2 is missing despite his outstanding performance during the Split? It is important to first consider the main reasons Rekkles is so good.

Both calculated and methodical

Rekkles is an athlete with an established style. He prefers players who stay in the backline to except for Kai'Sa. In the event that he does, he plays Kai'Sa by making use of her equipment in a manner which keeps him alive in intense teamfights. Rekkles did not pick these champions despite Tristana's relevance to metagames and Samira's brief appearance as a top pick.

Rekkles is a player with a long range. This style of play creates him as an anchor for any team that is assigned to. While he won't be putting his arm in the face of the adversary however, he'll still provide regular DPS. This is why Rekkles hasn't had one playoff game, nor did he have a Spring Split in which he suffered more that 3 deaths, even with G2's loss.

Notice the way Rekkles does not waste time trying to DPS Leona and Viktor in this video clip. Rekkles knows Carzzy's Xayah his target, and doesn't hesitate to reposition the kill.

Following that, Rekkles stuck with his team members as G2 took on every person in the MAD Lions, one by one. Although Rekkles was killed at the end of the day, G2 gained a massive advantage from this dive. This video is from the only match G2 won in their semifinals and Rekkles was in top form during Game 3.

Who will be the backer?

Rekkles' playstyle, in a nutshell, is to offer his team back-up in any way he is able to. Most of the time this comes through DPS. Rekkles was able to adapt to the changing meta but still maintain his style of play. He picked Mages with control in a period when conventional ADCs were almost always less effective than magical carriers.

However, this season isn't as clear-cut. Alternative options are simply they are: alternatives. Weird products of the meta such as Seraphine and Fasting Senna (and all the weird supports Fasting Senna allows) are alternatives, but not outright better than the regular bot lane. In most cases it is at least. Rekkles shouldn't, under any circumstances, be allowed to get any access to Seraphine or Senna.

Senna is a pick that Rekkles always has a strong opinion on However, it's not one we see often. Rekkles does not hesitate to select Senna or must draft something around it. No, Senna's pick/ban rate between the Spring Split and playoffs is 89% in all G2's games.

Whether Rekkles runs the fasting build or not, he's deadly on the pick. Senna is able to operate at the highest ranges, and her teamfight utility is surprisingly high. Rekkles enjoys supporting his team and provide massive DPS. The Q she uses has a low duration and her shield is massive. It's as if the pick was made to support Rekkles. In addition, the fact that it gives farm to Mikyx, G2's support, lets you play some unusual lane combos.


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